The future of PR and communication
Mynewsday 2021 has now come to an end. Thank you all for participating!
Inspiring keynote speakers, useful insights and in-depth discussions about the future of PR and communication - Mynewsday is one of the biggest industry gatherings for marketers, PR professionals and communicators across the Nordics. This half-day event is digital, so you can join in from wherever you are!
In 2018, John was handpicked by the government for the Delegation for the Promotion of Older Labour and is part of Bergh’s SOC’s advisory board. One year later, he was named Super Communicator of the Year by Resumé magazine and was also a finalist of the award Opinion Leader of the Year. In 2020, the book “Choose Your Age” was published.
Christine has worked with writing and communication for 30 years - as a copywriter, global web editor, course instructor and assistant professor. She has been voted “Course Holder of the Year” by Confex and is on the jury for NTB’s language prize. She is also the author of the books “Skriv for nettet - kort og godt, “Skriv så det selger”, and "Skriv godt, bli forstått".
Brian has worked as consultant, editor and researcher in communication, PR and marketing since 2000. At University of Copenhagen he researches emerging new technologies and their impact on social life. Brian is renowned for his work on new trends and the consequences of digital transformation, recently published in the book “Langt fra Silicon Valley: Digital transformation i danske virksomheder”.
Pontus is a communication consultant and keynote speaker with an excellence in presentation techniques, negotiation techniques and modern rhetoric. He has experience of training politicians, managers and teams at companies like H&M, Skanska, ABB, Sectra, Bonava, and PwC to communicate correctly, in every situation. His educational strength is to combine the psychological theories with the practical skills.
Senior specialist in public relations, corporate communication and change management. Eager advisor and activist in questions of equality, civic tech and human rights in the current industrial revolution. Proud co-founder of Lennox Public Relations.
Our moderator, Elin Ahldén, welcomes you to Mynewsday 2021! Get ready for a half-day filled with inspiration, best practices and new insights!
John Mellkvist delivers a new perspective on the subject of aging. Why is this topic interesting? What is ageism, why is it so common and how can we use the power of communication to reduce it?
What will communication look like in the future? How can good content help you reach your targets in a more chaotic environment when everyone has more money to spend, and when everyone wants to be seen and heard at the same time?
Did you know that we can work faster and better with help from smart PR? Mynewsdesk’s CEO, Louise Barnekow, and Daniel Jonsson, Chief Analytics & Strategy Officer, will talk about how we can, by using AI and data, make smarter and better decisions that will optimize your PR and communication!
Go grab a cop of coffee or join us for a short yoga session.
Marthina Elmqvist is Head of Brand & Marketing Communications at Telavox. She is a Media Communicator with excellent skills in writing, but also a former Radio Journalist. On Mynewsday she will share the Why, What and How of using sound as a strategic marketing vehicle in order to reach your target audience.
Tale Olivia Henningsen is Creative leader at Fargerike and is skilled in Marketing within the consumer goods industry. As she is also the Editor of the magazines Farge and Impuls, she has great insights into the world of publishing and journalists. On Mynewsday 2021 she will provide us with the point of view of a customer and share how Fargerike uses Mynewsdesk to reach their Marketing goals.
What tendencies should marketers, PR professionals and communicators consider already now so they won't be laggards the next two years? Brian will walk us through the biggest megatrends post-corona that will have consequences and impact on the PR and communication industry in the future.
In a digitalized world communication goes beyond the message itself. This gives us a lot of opportunities, but just as many pitfalls. In this keynote, you’ll learn how to avoid all of them and create a bulletproof message designed to be both interpreted.
Mynewsdesk will present the biggest findings and insights within PR and communication from our Nordic industry report.
Our moderator will summarize today’s key learnings and share useful best practices for your communication.